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Together, we can “D-Feet” childhood bone cancer.

Our Mission

D-Feet Cancer The Dalton Fox Foundation raises awareness of Ewing Sarcoma and other under-studied pediatric cancers. By directly funding research into these cancers, we are determined to help discover more effective and less toxic treatments while supporting both patients and families during their greatest time of need.

Our Reason

Dalton Fox had a contagious smile and sense of humor, even through his toughest days. He is an inspiration to us and we hope that his story will inspire others to join us in our efforts to find targeted therapies and treatments for Ewing Sarcoma.

What is Ewing Sarcoma?

Ewing Sarcoma is an aggressive cancer that affects bones or nearby soft tissue. The treatment typically consists of chemotherapy combined with surgery and/or radiation. The overall five-year survival rate for a patient with Ewing Sarcoma is between 60-70%. 

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