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April 8, 2023

2023 Q1 Update

Please check out the attached March 2023 D-Feet Cancer newsletter.

Among other topics of interest, read about our recent $100,000.08 grant that is currently funding Ewing Sarcoma research. Can you guess Dalton’s favorite number?

We have also attached a summary of the research D-Feet Cancer is funding,  written for non-medical researchers like us.

Finally, we are holding our second Dalton’s Dash 5K on Saturday May 20th with both in-person and virtual options. Please take a look at the attached flyer or click on the link below to learn more. We would love to have you run with Team Dalton.

Thank you so much for your support of D-Feet Cancer.

Will & Jen Fox

D-Feet Cancer The Dalton Fox Foundation

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